Orgnizations speaking at NSAC 2024


The Aerospace Corporation is a national nonprofit corporation that operates a federally funded research and development center. They provide technical guidance and advice on all aspects of space missions to military, civil, and commercial customers. As a trusted partner, Aerospace is committed to the application of science and technology to assure the success of the nation’s space endeavors.


ArianeGroup, a joint venture between Airbus and Safran, is a leader in space transport services and missile systems. Renowned for developing the Ariane series of launch vehicles, they focus on providing reliable, innovative solutions for commercial and government satellite deployment. Their mission centers on advancing space access and contributing to Europe's strategic independence in space technologies.


Astroscale specializes in on-orbit servicing and space debris removal technologies. Their solutions aim to create a sustainable space environment, addressing the growing challenge of orbital debris. Astroscale's mission is to secure long-term spaceflight safety and orbital sustainability for the benefit of future generations.


Aurelia Institute is a nonprofit organization focused on space architecture research and development, education, outreach, and policy formulation. They aim to build humanity's future in space by innovating near-term solutions and fostering an inclusive community for an in-space society. Their work spans designing larger-scale space habitats, educating and engaging diverse audiences in space exploration, and developing inclusive policies for sustainable space habitation.


Blue Origin, founded by Jeff Bezos, is a pioneering aerospace manufacturer and spaceflight services company committed to building a road to space. They are innovating to bring about commercially viable reusable rockets and spacecraft, focusing on making space travel more sustainable and accessible. Their mission is to enable a future where millions of people live and work in space for the benefit of Earth.


The Defense Innovation Unit (DIU) is an organization within the U.S. Department of Defense focused on integrating commercial technology into military applications to enhance national security. It collaborates with various defense entities to rapidly develop and deploy dual-use capabilities, addressing operational challenges efficiently. With a presence in key tech hubs like Silicon Valley and Boston, DIU plays a vital role in linking innovative commercial technologies with defense needs, emphasizing fast prototyping and scalable solutions.


The European Space Agency (ESA) is an intergovernmental organization dedicated to the exploration of space. It works to develop Europe's space capabilities and ensure that investments in space continue to deliver benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world. ESA's activities include astronaut missions, planetary exploration, observatory spacecraft for astronomy and Earth observation, and developing launch systems. They play a critical role in scientific research, technological development, and fostering international cooperation in space exploration.


Firefly Aerospace is a leading space transportation company, specializing in providing economical and reliable launch vehicles, spacecraft, and in-space services. They focus on simplifying space access and have made significant strides in the development of their Alpha rocket and Blue Ghost lunar lander. Firefly's commitment to innovation is evident in their comprehensive approach to mission design, testing, and execution, underscoring their goal of making space more accessible.


Interstellar Mining Inc., established in September 2019 in Toronto, Canada, is a consortium that includes Watts, Griffis and McOuat Ltd., Deltion Innovations Ltd., and Paolo Lostritto. The company's vision is to be a pioneer in offworld resource utilization, aiming to prospect, explore, and establish the first viable water and volatile mine on the lunar surface. They are committed to responsible corporate citizenship and adherence to the Outer Space Treaty of 1967, focusing on the peaceful development of offworld resources.


Lunar Station is a dynamic group of astropreneurs offering innovative solutions for lunar exploration and development. Their team consists of experts in various fields like astrodynamics, AI, machine learning, and space sciences. Lunar Station specializes in transforming lunar data into actionable intelligence, aiding scientific, governmental, and commercial organizations in their lunar missions. They are known for their MoonHacker™ platform, which enhances understanding and strategic planning for lunar activities.


The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is a federal agency in the United States focused on the condition of the oceans and the atmosphere. It plays a key role in environmental monitoring, weather forecasting, climate research, and the stewardship of marine and coastal resources. NOAA's work is critical for understanding and protecting the environment, providing data and insights essential for weather prediction, resource management, and environmental protection.


SpaceLogistics, a Northrop Grumman company, is a leader in satellite servicing and space logistics. They specialize in extending the life of satellites and reducing space debris through innovative technologies like their Mission Extension Vehicle (MEV). Their services provide crucial support for satellite operators, enhancing the sustainability and efficiency of space operations. SpaceLogistics represents a significant step forward in the ongoing evolution of space infrastructure and capabilities.


Revolution Space, formerly known as Accion Systems, is a company specializing in advanced space systems for the 21st century. They focus on innovating and developing cutting-edge technologies for space exploration and satellite operations. Their approach combines expertise from their former identity, Accion Systems, with new strategic directions to meet the evolving needs of the space industry.


Riot Ventures is a venture capital firm known for its investments in early-stage, high-potential technology companies. They focus on ventures that are in the preliminary stages of development, often before a clear market emerges. Their investment portfolio includes a diverse range of innovative companies, from those developing high-speed transportation solutions to robotics and data processing technologies.


SCOUT Space Inc., founded in 2019, focuses on enhancing space safety and sustainability. They develop technology to facilitate satellite autonomy, allowing satellites to make decisions independently in orbit. Their products include hardware, software, and engineering solutions that reduce mission risks and augment capabilities for in-space applications. SCOUT's innovations are pivotal in creating a safer and more sustainable space environment, addressing critical challenges in spaceflight often considered "acceptable risks".


Space Tango is dedicated to manufacturing health and technology products in space, aiming to create value and transformative solutions. As a leader in automated systems, the company focuses on facilitating research and development (R&D) and manufacturing in microgravity, utilizing the International Space Station's U.S. National Laboratory. Their expertise includes guiding partners through the process of designing, integrating, and operating investigations in space. With an emphasis on innovation, Space Tango is developing ST-42, an autonomous orbital platform designed for scalable manufacturing in space.


Starfish Space, established in 2019, is a company focusing on satellite servicing through its autonomous satellite servicing vehicle, Otter. Otter, significantly smaller and less expensive than other alternatives, uses electric propulsion for docking with satellites. The company's first mission, Otter Pup, launched in June 2023, provided valuable insights for future missions aimed at satellite life extension and disposal. Starfish Space's work is crucial for maintaining the safety and sustainability of space activities as the number of satellites in orbit continues to grow.


Stoke Space, founded in 2020, is an aerospace company dedicated to revolutionizing space transportation with reusable rockets. Their flagship project is a two-stage rocket designed for rapid reusability, aiming to drastically reduce launch costs and increase launch frequency. The first stage is intended to be recoverable and reusable, leveraging advanced materials and propulsion technologies. Stoke Space's vision extends to enabling sustainable space exploration and commerce by making space more accessible. Their progress in developing reusable rocket technology is a significant step toward a future where space travel is as routine as air travel.


True Anomaly is a dynamic company at the forefront of space security and sustainability, offering industry-leading technology developed by a team with vast experience in space operations, engineering, and military systems. Their approach combines deep domain expertise with exceptional product development to deliver solutions addressing critical challenges in the space sector.

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